Circuit Civil Division

The Circuit Civil division of the Clerk’s Office handles civil actions in which the damages being sought or the matter in controversy is valued at $50,000.00 and above. Due to the complex legal nature of these cases, the Circuit Civil division does not offer any forms or advice on how to proceed with these actions and we cannot refer an attorney to you.

Click here for Documents and Forms

Attorney or Registered User OCRS Form

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of cases are most commonly filed in the Circuit Civil division?
Some types of cases that are filed in the Circuit Civil division are:

  • Negligence
  • Professional or Medical Malpractice
  • Contract and Indebtedness Disputes
  • Actions relating to Real Property
  • Mortgage Foreclosures
  • Eminent Domain Suits
  • Declaratory Judgments
  • Foreign Judgments
  • Interpleaders
  • Replevins
  • Writs of Certiorari
  • Mandamus and Hapeas Corpus Proceedings
  • Ejectments
  • Transfer of Lien
  • All other civil actions that do not fall within the jurisdiction of the County Court.

How do I find an attorney?
The Florida Bar is able to provide legal referrals. You can contact the Florida Bar at 850-561-5600 or at . Click on the “Find a Lawyer” button then click on the “Lawyer Referral Service Site” link.

How do I find someone to serve my documents?
You can have your summons (issued to you by the Clerk’s Office) served by the Sheriff’s Office or a private process server. You cannot have a court hearing until the person or business you are suing is served. You must know the correct name of the person, business, or corporation you are suing as well as their address and phone number, if possible. If the defendant is not served, you may attempt service again when you have located a new address. If you are suing a business, you should contact the Secretary of State Website at to retrieve the information needed to have your summons served on the Registered Agent of the corporation or business.

  • Sheriff’s Service Fee – The Sheriff’s service fee is $40.00 per defendant for Florida residents. Out of state Sheriff’s departments may charge a different fee. You are required to have a money order or business check made payable to the Sheriff of the County where the resident resides. 
  • Private Process Server – You will need contact the process server of your choice to determine the cost of service. The Clerk’s Office cannot refer a process server to you. You can get a referral from the Florida Association of Professional Process Servers at ( which provides a “Find A Process Server” link on their website.

If you have any questions please contact our office. 

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